Our Designs, Our Features & Our Working Products!
Fisher Vent Skirt
Model # FVS-394
This vent skirt is designed to protect the Fisher 250 Series regulators and accomplishes this in two ways.
First, its shape prevents freezing rain from accumulating as an icicle on the vent itself.
Second, the relief vent is protected from splashes since the product shelters the surfaces on the meter and the regulator bezel from freezing rain. Splashes cannot reach the relief vent.
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Meter Bar Vent Skirt
Model # MBVS-1200 AP
The Meter Bar vent skirt is designed to protect a wide variety of meter bar regulators with 3/4 and one-inch NPT threads. Meter Bar regulators position their vents directly above the meter, with minimal clearance, and in the 6 o’clock position.
The shape of the vent skirt prevents freezing rain from forming on the relief vent itself. For added protection, a ground splash baffle is provided and easily mounts to the bottom of the vent skirt. The baffle also protects the vent from any splashbacks from the surface of the meter.
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Service Riser Vent Skirt
Model # RVS-307 AP
Our RVS-307 AP skirts are extremely durable, inexpensive, easy to install and blend perfectly with the existing metering equipment.
Installation procedures allow your mechanic to install the RVS-307 AP with no interruption in gas flow. The installation takes only minutes, and the use of the BRG RVS-307 AP vent skirt will eliminate the costly time to de-ice regulators and restore gas service.
The ultimate benefit of the RVS-307 AP vent skirt is the assurance and peace of mind that comes with customer satisfaction and safety. This skirt was designed specifically for the B 31R, Fisher S 402, and American 1813 regulators but will accommodate any older regulator in your system with a 1 inch or 3/4 inch relief vent opening.
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Mini Vent Skirt Product
Model # MIVS-1211 AP
*Mini in size but provides maximum protection!
Designed to protect the small relief vent opening on pilot regulators, the MIVS-1211 AP protects 1/4 inch relief vent openings.
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Vented Service Elbow- Model # RAVS-1118 AP EL
model # RAVS-1118 EL AP
The RAVS-1118 AP EL is an all-plastic, screened, vented elbow designed for regulators with their vents positioned horizontally in either the 3:00 o’clock or 9:00 o’clock positions. This product offers a large drip lip to inhibit wind driven precipitation from reaching the screen. It is produced with either ¾ or 1 inch male NPT threads.
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Service Riser Vent Skirt – Model # RVS-307 AP EX (Extended)
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MIVS-218-EL Series
The MIVS Series vent skirts are designed to protect the atmospheric relief vents of pilot regulators and the breather vent on commercial roots meters. The 1/4in. plastic vent elbow threads screw directly into the breather port.
The MIVS 1211AP protects vent openings in the 6 o’clock position, while our newest Model, the MIVS 218 EL AP has a molded 90 degree angle which allows you to protect vents in the 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock positions.
Both products expand the vent opening to a 1.25 in. opening enclosed by a 16 gauge stainless steel screen.
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Angled Body Vent Skirt – Model # ABVS-512 AP
Model # ABVS-512 AP
This vent skirt is designed to protect the relief vents of older angled body regulator sets with a relief vent opening of 3/4 inch.
The ABVS-512 is specifically engineered to protect the relief vents of aging regulators still in service.
Schlumberger B-39, Sprague Model B, Fisher 252, and Fisher 262 are regulators that work well with the ABVS vent skirt.
The ABVS-512 AP is similar to the RVS-307 AP EX; however, it has been improved for a better fit for certain applications. It also has an extended neck area 2 1/4 inches in length. The extended neck allows clearance in cases where the regulator interferes with the installation of the vent skirt.
The patented design includes our baffle plate on the bottom of the vent skirt. The baffle protects the vent from splash back onto the surface of the vent screen.
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Commercial Vent Skirt – Model # CVS-911 AP
Model # CVS-911 AP
Our CVS-911 AP vent skirts are similar to our RVS-307 AP skirts. The CVS-911 AP is designed to protect the relief vents of commercial regulators and blow-offs with a relief vent opening of 2 inches or less. In the case of relief vents smaller than 2 inches, simply use decreasing pipe fittings.
Again, these vent skirts are also extremely durable, inexpensive, easy to install, and they blend perfectly with the existing metering equipment.
Installation procedures allow your mechanic to install the CVS-911 AP with no interruption in gas flow. The installation takes only minutes, and the use of the Bennett CVS-911 AP vent skirt will eliminate the costly time to de-ice meters and restore gas service.
The ultimate benefit of the CVS-911 AP vent skirt is the assurance and peace of mind that comes with customer satisfaction and safety.
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